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Launched by Hong Kong Design Centre, bodw+ originates from Business of Design Week (BODW), Asia’s premier annual event on design, innovation and brands since 2002. bodw+ is an interactive design knowledge platform that promotes and celebrates design excellence, inspiring and engaging the local and international design community. It is envisioned to become Asia’s leading online design portal, providing evergreen content, featuring the latest insights on seminal design trends, and exclusive interviews with creative leaders and emerging talents.
Business of Design Week (BODW)
BODW, Asia’s premier annual event on design, innovation and brands since 2002, is organised by Hong Kong Design Centre and gathers some of the world’s foremost design masters, brand leaders and entrepreneurs from Hong Kong as well as overseas, driving discourse on the value of design and innovation to inspire global audiences and explore new business opportunities.
Knowledge of Design Week (KODW)
KODW is an annual flagship event organised by Hong Kong Design Centre and Institute of Design Knowledge, co-organised by Hong Kong Design Institute and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design, with Create Hong Kong (CreateHK) of the HKSAR Government acting as the Lead Sponsor. This week-long event comprises workshops, forums, and a high-level networking opportunities.
KODW was launched in 2006 and offers an exciting and premier global knowledge platform for local and international designers, brand strategists, business leaders, entrepreneurs, technologists, educators and visionaries, to share industry insights, trend analysis, creative solutions and game-changing innovation to transform individuals, businesses and the society.
Hong Kong Design Centre (HKDC)
A non-governmental organisation registered in 2001 and established in 2002, Hong Kong Design Centre is a strategic partner of the Hong Kong SAR Government in advancing Hong Kong as an international centre of design excellence in Asia. Our public mission is to promote wider and strategic use of design and design thinking to create business value and improve societal well-being.
Learn more at www.hkdesigncentre.org.