CLICKNL: The Knowledge and Innovation Platform of The Creative Industry
Contribute to Impact
Today's societal challenges require innovative solutions. The creative industry strengthens the innovative capacity of The Netherlands in a unique way, both from the business community and from academia. Its creative capacity and design power offer our country the opportunity to achieve indispensable improvements. This requires a mix of knowledge, skills and cooperation. By disseminating knowledge and initiating cooperation, we realise synergy and upscaling. Together we create impact.
This is what we do
CLICKNL is the TKI (Top consortium for Knowledge and Innovation) of the top sector Creative Industry in The Netherlands. Our mission is to facilitate the duo (knowledge and collaboration) within the creative industry, which leads to innovative solutions for national, social challenges.
Knowledge: Together with creative professionals and researchers, we draw up the Knowledge and Innovation Agenda (KIA) for the creative industry named KIA Resilience. This describes how the creative industry contributes to (social) challenges and what knowledge the creative professional needs to be able to do this. With this agenda we influence and steer subsidy schemes, programmes and projects. We also look at the application and development of key methodologies/KEMs, i.e. methods that help to tackle issues. We inspire and encourage the use of previously acquired knowledge in practice. We do this by sharing inspiring content (including cases and news) both online and physically (events).
Collaboration: We build programmes and projects around (social) challenges in which the creative industry plays an important role. Possible support will be advised by CLICKNL.
CLICKNL, the TKI of the Top Sector Creative Industry
Top sectors strengthen the economy with innovations by exploiting international opportunities, solving societal challenges, increasing human capital and investing in scientific research. The top sector Creative Industry is one of the nine original top sectors in the Netherlands. Top sectors have a TKI, or Top Consortia for Knowledge and Innovation, and that's us: CLICKNL.