Art Tech & Creative Digitalisation   | BODW 2022

Whether it’s traditional or modern, art exhibitions are taking an interdisciplinary approach that will transform and advance arts and culture by producing new experiences and creations through art tech and digitalisation. This interdisciplinary field merges the arts, design, technology, engineering and humanities to introduce a great variety of possibilities that help make Hong Kong an international arts and cultural hub.

01 Dec 2022

Whether it’s traditional or modern, art exhibitions are taking an interdisciplinary approach that will transform and advance arts and culture by producing new experiences and creations through art tech and digitalisation. This interdisciplinary field merges the arts, design, technology, engineering and humanities to introduce a great variety of possibilities that help make Hong Kong an international arts and cultural hub.







Gillian Howard

Founder & Global Fair Director

Digital Art Fair · Hong Kong

Adeline Ooi

Director Asia

Art Basel · Hong Kong






Jehan Chu

Founder & Managing Partner

Kenetic · Hong Kong