HKDI Master Lecture Series: Immersion in the Age of Anxiety

Hong Kong Design Institute10 May 2023

[The following content is provided by Hong Kong Design Institute]



Immersion in the Age of Anxiety


In the post-pandemic period of isolation and anxiety, there seems to be a greater demand for immersive experiences than ever. While the history and practice of immersive experiences in the arts and design have traditionally focused on the senses being transformed through melding them with technologies embedded into the physical world, the next wave of immersion seeks the opposite by capturing the senses and rendering them into a synthetic world which appears to be even more “real” than the physical world. This lecture will discuss the role of immersive technologies in the context of research in the Swiss and the international art and design landscape.




Prof. Dr. Chris Salter

Professor for Immersive Arts and Director of the Immersive Arts Space, Zurich University of the Arts, Switzerland


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