HKDI Master Lecture Series: Architecture for the Future

Hong Kong Design Institute23 Feb 2022

[The following content is provided by Hong Kong Design Institute]



Radical tectonics for an absolute sustainable architecture | Professor Anne Beim


The present climate crisis that is also a growing ecological crisis worldwide, calls for radical changes in architectural thinking and production. It is pertinent to create architecture that is truly sustainable, and contributes to the green transition. This could be done through increasing the use of biogenic materials in construction, and building in ways where we are combining the best knowledge from traditional building culture with contemporary effective building methods. This lecture presents experimental architectural research and full-scale experiments that investigate the possibilities of increasing the use of CO2-neutral building materials, surface treatments and construction solutions.





Professor Anne Beim

Professor at the Centre for Industrialised Architecture, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Denmark






The Super Tight City | Dr John Doyle


More than half the world lives in cities, more than half the world lives in Asia, more than half of the world's megacities are in Asia. Asian cities are therefore key in examining new ways of being densely urbanised. The by-product of unprecedented metropolitan convergence is the emergence of new urbanisms and new architectures, new models for living and making culture.


“Super tight” describes the small, intense, robust and hyper-condensed spaces that emerge as a by-product of extreme levels of urban density. Tightness is both a consequence of density (but is not density itself) and a series of social, economic and cultural practices that have developed in response to the rapid growth and consolidation of cities.


The super tight project explores the culture of spatial tightness emerging in Asian cities and its creative potential. It will consider techniques for living closely, unpacking the delight and difficulty that arises from the dense occupation of large cities.





Dr John Doyle

Programme Manager and Head of the Master of Architecture, RMIT University, Australia



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