Plenary III: Culture & The City II by Nimrod Weis | BODW 2018

08 Dec 2018

Melbourne artist and designer Nimrod Weis is part sculptor, part technologist dreamer. Co-founder of ENESS- a multidisciplinary design studio founded in 1997, whose work explores the intersection between the virtual and the physical world to create a unique brand of interactive public art installations.


Weis is a passionate provocateur – constantly seeking to challenge the way we view cities and their spaces, and explore ways in which our shared experiences of technology and art bond us together. His work increasingly seeks to democratise the experience of art and entertainment, making it deliberately open to people of all ages and backgrounds.


Together with his team at ENESS, he delves into the deeper potential of interactivity to form emotive responses from audiences. Their rebellious, playful and accessible style of work seduces viewers to get closer and experience unexpected curiosities, taking their digital art installations out of the exhibition and gallery, into the realm of public space.







Nimrod Weis

Director, ENESS, AU





Marisa Yu

Founding Partner, ESKYIU; Co-founder/Executive Director, Design Trust, HK